Disneyland Guest Assistance Card

Disneyland no longer offers the Guest Assistance Card. This information is only provided for historical purposes. We will update on the new, improved Disability Access Service at a later date. How do I get to the Front of the Line at Disneyland? OK, we figured we’d just put the question out there since that’s what you’re most likely thinking. Short …

Eyeglasses for Beautiful Mid-Face Hypoplasia

A great brand that worked for a couple of the LP kids in our chapter is the Miraflex brand frames. They are high-grade rubber frames for prescription lenses for children.  These frames fit well on the younger LP kids who have less of a bridge than other dwarf kids.  Achons usually have more mid-face hypoplasia, which make it more difficult …

We’ve enabled comments on our Blog

We turned on the ability to comment on our posts. After some discussion, we decided that we believe our site can be more useful if the community can respond with their own experiences and suggestions. So we welcome all helpful contributions and hope to have a meaningful discussion. SharePin

Pivoting Toilet Paper Holder

How many times has this happened to you? “Mom! Dad! Come help me in the bathroom!” No, it’s not a normal potty emergency. You cautiously go to the bathroom and find your child pointing to the potty while making a face-palm gesture. Holding onto the spring-loaded toilet paper holder is hard enough for adults. But with children’s small hands, especially the …

The Joy of a Latex Mattress for an Aching Back

Recently we both started experiencing some significant back pain, bad enough that we’d wake up with it every morning. We tried managing the pain with ibuprofen, Salonpas, and Icy Hot. And we went through the usual analysis in our heads: Are we dealing with compression? Another back problem? An issue related to prior surgery? After many months of torment, the …