Diaper Choices
If you have a dwarf child, you most likely will be using the same size diapers for a lot longer than you might expect! It’s probably worth the effort and expense to try a couple different brands to see which one works best for your child. For both of our children (both dwarf and average height), we preferred Pampers Swaddlers and Pamper Baby Dry. For pull-ups, we also tried both the Pampers Easy-Ups and Huggies Pull-Ups and greatly preferred the Pampers.
Most likely you will start in the preemie/newborn size and then stay in Size 1 for a while. The Diaper Sizes Guide can help you determine when to move to the next size and also which brand might work for your child’s weight. They recently added a list of Current Amazon Diaper Coupons and Current Amazon Formula Coupons.
It is a little like Coke vs Pepsi, some parents prefer Pampers while others prefer Huggies. At least for us, we found that Pampers diapers and pull-ups worked out much better.
Changing Table
When we started shopping for changing tables, we couldn’t believe how tall they all are! We could barely place a child up on these tables, let alone change their diaper. So like with many things, we had to find a creative alternative. We simply purchased a deep bookcase, put a contoured changing pad on top, and we were done! The height was perfect and we used it for both children. And it also served as a bookshelf and diaper storage area!
The bookshelf-changing-table was used for both of our children. We were concerned about the baby rolling off, but this is a concern with any changing table and at least it’s at a reasonable height. After it was loaded with books and other storage, it was stable enough that we were not worried about it tipping over.

Diaper Genie
This post would not be complete without a mention of diaper storage! We have been very happy with the Diaper Genie. The refills are a little pricey, but you can get them cheaper on-line and Costco occasionally has stocked the refills.