Midget Jokes

PSA (Public Service Announcement): Midget is considered an offensive term. We prefer to be called by our name. And more appropriately, we prefer to be called a person with dwarfism or some prefer Little Person (LP). National Public Radio’s (NPR) World Have Your Say (#WHYS) asked: Have you been offended by a joke? Well, yeah, I’m a dwarf and a …

A Word About Dwarf Tossing: Degrading

An Average Height parent of an LP recently posted that a restaurant in New York is advertising a dwarf tossing event. She thought it was completely disrespectful and that it “goes back to the whole idea of little people being used for entertainment purposes.” This mom of an infant LP son encouaged people to call into the restaurant and voice …

Playing Musical Instruments in Grade School and Beyond

Question:  I’m thinking of starting my older AH son on violin soon, which got me thinking, how that might work for my child with achondroplasia if/when he wants to start. Do any of your achon kids play? I guess they make violins small enough? Will his fingers make it around the strings? Does the asymmetrical posture have any impact on …

Low-Incidence Funding

When my husband and I were in grade school, there was no 504 or IEP for us.  It was just a simple understanding between the principal and my parents that I needed some adaptations, which were very little due to just “having to work with it”.  That was the 1970’s and 80’s where disability awareness was minimal at best.  But, …