We’ve enabled comments on our Blog

We turned on the ability to comment on our posts. After some discussion, we decided that we believe our site can be more useful if the community can respond with their own experiences and suggestions. So we welcome all helpful contributions and hope to have a meaningful discussion.

Comments 1

  1. Thank you for enabling comments, and thus more targeted questions (or comments) than available through a general ‘contact us’ feature.
    I’m a soon-to-be LP parent in regional Australia and am in information-gathering mode.
    I just want to say thank you for the wealth and range of information you are presenting here! I’ve had a look at the BMN-111 (sic) post and really appreciated your perspective; your car-seat post, the info on MRIs; healthy eating… just dipping my toes at this point.
    I’ll be back. Expect me to ask dumb questions!
    Thanks again!

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