Letter To A School Board Member: Do Not Combine Two Campuses

Our school district representatives informed parents and faculty that they will recommend our elementary share its school site with a K-8 charter school.  This would add 180 non-community students to our school site. The charter school would take 11 classroom spaces and share our common areas including the cafeteria, auditorium, and playgrounds. If the school board approves this recommendation, we will be the only school offered as a potential site to share space with this charter school.

Here is a letter I wrote to a school board member to demonstrate the effects of adding a charter school onto our campus (the name of the school has been changed):

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Potty On The Go

TravelJohn Disposable Urinal for All Genders, Adults, and Children (6 Pack) Designed for Emergencies, Travel, Camping, Long Car Rides, and More - 28oz/800ml Capacity (TJ1A-C) Potty Training is always a hair-raising experience. And from our experience, you might think your child is potty trained until you are on that long road trip in the middle of the desert. Our kids just can’t seem to give us enough notice to make it to the potty. We found a few life-savers that we always bring in the car, especially on road trips. And we’re confident that once you try them, you’ll be thankful for these items as well.

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BMN-111: A Family Dinner Discussion

Achon HandsWhat if you could take a pill to make your achondroplasia go away? No more risk of spinal or foramen magnum compression. The chances of central and obstructive sleep apnea would be less. And there wouldn’t be that bothersome task of finding a bike helmet to fit. Would you take that pill? If it would lessen your child’s chances of social and health struggle, would you consider giving it to them? Well, BioMarin is in the process of developing a drug that could change achondroplasia (FGFR3) completely. BMN-111 is in clinical trials right now.

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Ceiling Fans for Night-Time Comfort

Some of us tend to run generally hot, whether it be genetics, weight, or a lot of hair! We’ve heard many stories about LP kids who sweat like crazy while they’re sleeping which can be alarming for new parents. If you’ve never had a ceiling fan installed in the bedroom, we highly recommend you consider this for your children (and your master bedroom!)

Why Ceiling Fans Are Great

  • Ceiling fans keep you comfortable by moving air across your skin, increasing evaporation of sweat and leaving you feeling cool.
  • Ceiling fans are very low cost to run, especially compared to the cost of Air Conditioning.
  • Depending upon the speed you run your fan at, it may produce a gentle white noise effect which can be calming while you sleep.
  • Many ceiling fans have a built-in light so they can help brighten up a dark room.
  • Your child will definitely be more comfortable at night and this will help them sleep through the night.Read More

Vehicle Mobility Assistance Programs

Owens 67080-01 ABS Running Board for Honda Odyssey

We recently purchased a Honda Odyssey minivan to support our family. While we love the vehicle, Honda unfortunately does not offer running boards anymore for the Odyssey. We were able to find aftermarket running boards that are made for the Odyssey, and even better, Honda will reimburse us for the purchase! Some of the automobile manufacturers have Mobility Assistance programs to help reimburse costs related to vehicle modifications due to disabilities. We encourage you to check out these programs and keep them in mind when purchasing a new vehicle.

You can use many of these programs to get reimbursed for pedal extensions on your new vehicle!

Here is a list of the programs that we know about:

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